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Distributed Energy Resource Management

Focusing on improving grid reliability and making the best use of available energy resources through a DER-aware management of energy generation, storage, distribution, and consumption.


Energy Solutions
Example: How New York City Gets Its Electricity

The electric power picture below illustrates how the distributed energy resources (DER) management system (symbolically shown in green squares) enables an effective collaboration between the traditional power grid and the new and fast growing distributed power generation, storage system, and changing power consumption patterns.

New DER-enabled energy management solutions lead gradually to smarter power grids. Smart grids and the related micro grids are vitally necessary for maximizing the grid reliability and most economic use of resources. In doing so, they match the distributed power generation from solar PV, wind, and CHP plants in conjunction with the traditional more centralized generation of power. This includes the control of distributed battery and grid battery farm storage resources.

Smart grids supply reliable electric power to their customers by managing their resources as flexible as necessary and as economically as possible.

Below is the link to the original NY Times article that explains and shows with animated illustrations how New York City gets its electricity today:

VGE Management

Anton Kaeslin
VP of Consultant Services

Tel: 203-300-1514

The electric power picture illustrates how the distributed energy resources (DER) management system (symbolically shown in green squares) enables an effective collaboration between the traditional power grid and the new and fast growing distributed power generation, storage system, and changing power consumption patterns.



Virtual Grid Energy LLC

22 Blackman Ave  l  Bethel  l  Connecticut, 06801  l  USA

Tel:  203-300-1514


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